Quaker Teen Programs in Northern California
This information page is provided by Tom Farley for the Teen Program of College Park Quarterly Meeting [CPQM] --
the regional association of unprogrammed Friends meetings for Northern California and Northern Nevada.
There is a gathering for teens at the end of the CPQM Winter Quarter in Santa Rosa, CA from the dinner on 1/19/08 through mid-day on 1/21/08 [Martin Luther King Day.]
Forms for the teen program are available in pdf files.
Starting from here, you can find out about:
- The Religious Society of Friends -- general information on Quakers -- world wide, past and present
- Western Quaker Network -- Quaker meetings and organizations in the western USA
- Pacific Yearly Meeting [PYM] -- an independent association of unprogrammed Friends meetings in Nevada, California, Hawaii, Mexico, and Guatamala
- Pacific YM Faith and Practice -- the book of discipline used by Palo Alto Friends Meeting
- Ben Lomond Quaker Center -- a conference center near Santa Cruz, California, offering workshops and retreats including summer camps for kids and teens
- Friends House -- a Quaker retirement center in Santa Rosa, California
- Sierra Friends Center -- an educational center near Grass Valley, California, offering the Woolman Semester for high school juniors and seniors
- Friends Committee on Legislation [California] -- a public interest lobby with offices in Sacramento, California
- Friends Bulletin -- a Quaker magazine serving Pacific Yearly Meeting, North Pacific Yearly Meeting, and Intermountain Yearly Meeting
- El Salvador Project -- started by Carmen Broz of Palo Alto Friends Meeting
- a survey on Movies on Peace and War Issues -- for family viewing
Page last updated on 1/8/08 by Tom & Sandy Farley of Spontaneous Combustion