Storytelling and Story Theatre for All Ages
With Tandem Storytellers: Tom and Sandy Farley
Tandem telling is two or more tellers sharing one story. Here we bring together our experience with solo telling, improvisation, story theatre, and cooperative recreation, all of which we also teach.
Since 1979, we have been telling traditional and contemporary stories for schools, libraries, book stores, hospitals, churches, summer camps, fairs, Kiwanis Clubs, corporate events, birthdays, etc. Themes we like include: conflict resolution, youth empowerment, cultural diversity, disabilities, wisdom, and where stories come from.
Based in Redwood City, CA, we perform most often between San Francisco and San Jose, but we do travel beyond the Bay Area to do performances and workshops, usually for Kiwanis or Quaker related events.
Our Programs Page lists available programs for schools and libraries. We can also create programs to meet your needs.
Our Workshops Page outlines offerings for adults, children, and mixed age groups ranging from introductory explorations of one aspect of storytelling to series developing ensemble and performance skills. Our Becoming a Storyteller workshop received rave reviews at Friends General Conference Gathering five different years.
We have two hour-long CDs.
Our first CD, Words to the Wise, was released 11/20/2003. It contains twelve wisdom tales from original and traditional sources selected for ages eight through adult.
Our second CD, Words Go Questing, was released 2/18/2005. It contains seven tales of seeking and finding [six short and one much longer in two parts] selected for ages eight through adult.
Both CDs can be purchased on-line at CD Baby.
Samples of our storytelling
Audio: Learning to Write in the Sand
Video: Bearskinner